

JAMS is a neutral alternative dispute resolution (ADR) provider. JAMS provides neutral mediators and arbitrators to assist parties in resolving disputes, as well as administrative services related to ADR. As a neutral provider, JAMS treats all parties the same and assists parties with the efficient administration of matters submitted to JAMS.

JAMS’ goal is to administer ADR proceedings impartially and efficiently. With regard to arbitration agreements, JAMS does not determine which provider parties name in their agreement. JAMS does not provide any unique benefit to a specific party for the inclusion of JAMS in an arbitration agreement. JAMS’ obligation is to administer proceedings fairly, and consistent with the parties’ agreement, applicable law and rules.

JAMS’ mission is to help people resolve conflict, provide high-quality dispute resolution services to our clients and to educate our local, national and global communities about ADR. JAMS strives to remain at the forefront of ADR, and in furtherance of this mission and to encourage the use of ADR, JAMS engages in marketing and outreach to provide information regarding JAMS’ services and ADR in general. Additionally, JAMS and JAMS neutrals regularly engage in speaking engagements, CLEs, discussion groups and other professional activities.

The content provided by JAMS is intended to provide general information about JAMS.

To explore a list of JAMS events nationwide and abroad please visit https://www.jamsadr.com/events/. To see a specific neutral’s list of events please visit their biography on www.jamsadr.com and visit the events tab for a list of the neutral’s past and upcoming events.

JAMS has more than 450 neutrals on its panel, and approximately one third of JAMS neutrals have an ownership share in the company. Each owner holds one share and there are no outside shareholders. Owners are not privy to information regarding the number of cases or revenue related to cases assigned to other panelists. No shareholder’s distribution exceeds 0.1% of JAMS total revenue in a given year. Shareholders are not informed about the extent to which their profit distribution may be impacted by any particular client, lawyer or law firm and shareholders do not earn credit for the creation or retention of customer relationships.

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