
Talking politics at work?

Rich Birke explains to Fox 5's Live Zone why it's a bad idea


Richard Birke, chief architect of JAMS Pathways, appeared on Fox 5’s Live Zone to discuss the challenges of talking politics at work.
Talking politics at work
Richard Birke Lead Facilitator and Trainer

Richard Birke, chief architect of JAMS Pathways, stopped by Fox 5’s Live Zone to answer questions about the challenges of talking politics at work. Birke emphasized that maintaining professionalism and fostering a healthy work environment is paramount, especially in this ever-polarized society. He points out that, 

"Political discussions very rarely further the mission of the organization"  

and such conversations are best avoided. For managers, he advises clear rules and policies, skillful redirection of conversations, and modeling respectful behavior as key strategies. Additionally, Birke highlights the importance of psychological safety and to consider the potential legal ramifications of politically charged emails and recorded Zoom conversations gone wrong. At the end of the day, Birke reminds us to treat others the way we ourselves, would like to be treated.

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